

MongoDBBackend([cache_name, connection])

Async cache backend for MongoDB

MongoDBCache(db_name, collection_name[, ...])

An async interface for caching objects in MongoDB

MongoDBPickleCache(db_name, collection_name)

Same as MongoDBCache, but pickles values before saving

Module Contents#

class MongoDBBackend(cache_name='aiohttp-cache', connection=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: CacheBackend

Async cache backend for MongoDB


  • Requires motor

  • Accepts keyword arguments for pymongo.MongoClient

  • cache_name (str) – Database name

  • connection (AsyncIOMotorClient) – Optional client object to use instead of creating a new one

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments for CacheBackend or backend connection

class MongoDBCache(db_name, collection_name, connection=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: BaseCache

An async interface for caching objects in MongoDB

  • db_name (str) – database name (be careful with production databases)

  • collection_name (str) – collection name

  • connection (AsyncIOMotorClient) – MongoDB connection instance to use instead of creating a new one

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword args for AsyncIOMotorClient

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
async bulk_delete(keys)#

Delete item(s) from the cache. Does not raise an error if the item is missing.


keys (set) –

async clear()#

Delete all items from the cache

async contains(key)#

Check if a key is stored in the cache


key (str) –

Return type:


async delete(key)#

Delete an item from the cache. Does not raise an error if the item is missing.


key (str) –

async keys()#

Get all keys stored in the cache

Return type:


async read(key)#

Read an item from the cache. Returns None if the item is missing.


key (str) –

Return type:

Union[CachedResponse, bytes, str, None]

async size()#

Get the number of items in the cache

Return type:


async values()#

Get all values stored in the cache

Return type:

AsyncIterable[Union[CachedResponse, bytes, str, None]]

async write(key, item)#

Write an item to the cache

class MongoDBPickleCache(db_name, collection_name, connection=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: MongoDBCache

Same as MongoDBCache, but pickles values before saving

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
async read(key)#

Read an item from the cache. Returns None if the item is missing.

async values()#

Get all values stored in the cache

Return type:

AsyncIterable[Union[CachedResponse, bytes, str, None]]

async write(key, item)#

Write an item to the cache