Contributing Guide

Dev Installation

To set up for local development:

$ git clone
$ cd aiohttp-client-cache
$ pip install -Ue ".[dev]"

Pre-commit hooks

Pre-commit config is uncluded to run the same checks locally that are run in CI jobs by GitHub Actions. This is optional but recommended.

$ pre-commit install --config .github/pre-commit.yml

To uninstall:

$ pre-commit uninstall

Integration Tests

Local databases are required to run integration tests, and docker-compose config is included to make this easier. First, install docker and install docker-compose.

Then, run:

$ docker-compose up -d
pytest test/integration


Sphinx is used to generate documentation.

To build the docs locally:

$ make -C docs html

To preview:

# MacOS:
$ open docs/_build/index.html
# Linux:
$ xdg-open docs/_build/index.html


Documentation is automatically built and published by Readthedocs whenever code is merged into the main branch.

Sometimes, there are differences in the Readthedocs build environment that can cause builds to succeed locally but fail remotely. To help debug this, you can use the readthedocs/build container to build the docs. A configured build container is included in docker-compose.yml to simplify this.

Run with:

docker-compose up -d --build
docker exec readthedocs make all

Pull Requests

Here are some general guidelines for submitting a pull request:

  • If the changes are trivial, just briefly explain the changes in the PR description.

  • Otherwise, please submit an issue describing the proposed change prior to submitting a PR.

  • Please add unit test coverage and updated docs (if applicable) for your changes.

  • Submit the PR to be merged into the main branch.


Releases are built and published to pypi based on git tags. Milestones will be used to track progress on major and minor releases.

Code Layout

Here is a brief overview of the main classes and modules:

  • session.CacheMixin, session.CachedSession: A mixin and wrapper class, respectively, for aiohttp.ClientSession. There is little logic here except wrapping ClientSession._request() with caching behavior.

  • response.CachedResponse: A wrapper class built from an aiohttp.ClientResponse, with additional cache-related info. This is what is serialized and persisted to the cache.

  • backends.base.CacheBackend: Most of the caching logic lives here, including saving and retriving responses. It contains two BaseCache objects for storing responses and redirects, respectively.

  • cache_keys and expiration: Utilities for creating cache keys and cache expiration, respectively

  • backends.base.BaseCache: Base class for lower-level storage operations, overridden by individual backends.

  • Other backend implementations in backends.*: A backend implementation subclasses CacheBackend (for higher-level operations), as well as BaseCache (for lower-level operations).