Cache Backends

Backend Classes

Several cache backends are included, which can be selected using the cache parameter for CachedSession:


Base class for cache backends; includes a non-persistent, in-memory cache.


Async cache backend for DynamoDB


Backend that stores cached responses as files on the local filesystem.


Async cache backend for MongoDB


Async cache backend for Redis


Async cache backend for SQLite

Usage example:

>>> from aiohttp_client_cache import CachedSession, RedisBackend
>>> async with CachedSession(cache=RedisBackend()) as session:
...      await session.get('')

See API Reference for backend-specific usage details.

Backend Cache Name

The cache_name parameter will be used as follows depending on the backend:

  • DynamoDb: Table name

  • Filesystem: Cache directory

  • MongoDb: Database name

  • Redis: Namespace, meaning all keys will be prefixed with '<cache_name>:'

  • SQLite: Database path; user paths are allowed, e.g ~/.cache/my_cache.sqlite

Backend-Specific Arguments

When initializing a CacheBackend, you can provide any valid keyword arguments for the backend’s internal connection class or function.

For example, with SQLiteBackend, you can pass arguments accepted by sqlite3.connect():

>>> cache = SQLiteBackend(
...     timeout=2.5,
...     uri='file://home/user/.cache/aiohttp-cache.db?mode=ro&cache=private',
... )

Custom Backends

If the built-in backends don’t suit your needs, you can create your own by making subclasses of CacheBackend and BaseCache:

>>> from aiohttp_client_cache import CachedSession
>>> from aiohttp_client_cache.backends import BaseCache, BaseStorage

>>> class CustomCache(BaseCache):
...     """Wrapper for higher-level cache operations. In most cases, the only thing you need
...     to specify here is which storage class(es) to use.
...     """
...     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
...         super().__init__(**kwargs)
...         self.redirects = CustomStorage(**kwargs)
...         self.responses = CustomStorage(**kwargs)

>>> class CustomStorage(BaseStorage):
...     """interface for lower-level backend storage operations"""
...     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
...         super().__init__(**kwargs)
...     async def contains(self, key: str) -> bool:
...         """Check if a key is stored in the cache"""
...     async def clear(self):
...         """Delete all items from the cache"""
...     async def delete(self, key: str):
...         """Delete an item from the cache"""
...     async def keys(self) -> AsyncIterable[str]:
...         """Get all keys stored in the cache"""
...     async def read(self, key: str) -> ResponseOrKey:
...         """Read anitem from the cache"""
...     async def size(self) -> int:
...         """Get the number of items in the cache"""
...     def values(self) -> AsyncIterable[ResponseOrKey]:
...         """Get all values stored in the cache"""
...     async def write(self, key: str, item: ResponseOrKey):
...         """Write an item to the cache"""

You can then use your custom backend in a CachedSession with the cache parameter:

>>> session = CachedSession(cache=CustomCache())

Can I reuse a cache backend instance across multiple CachedSession instances?

First of all, read the following warning in the aiohttp documentation to make sure you need multiple CachedSession or Session:

Don’t create a session per request. Most likely you need a session per application which performs all requests together.

More complex cases may require a session per site, e.g. one for Github and other one for Facebook APIs. Anyway making a session for every request is a very bad idea.

A session contains a connection pool inside. Connection reusage and keep-alive (both are on by default) may speed up total performance.

It depends on your application design, but you have at least three options:

  • Create a cache instance per CachedSession:

    github_api = CachedSession(SQLiteBackend())
    gitlab_api = CachedSession(SQLiteBackend())
  • Create a single cache instance, but keep all CachedSession open:

    cache_backend = CacheBackend()
    sessions_pool = [...]  # Manage multiple `Cachedsession` with a single cached backend.
    # Make requests...
    for s in sessions:
        await s.close()
  • Override the close method and close the cache backed manually:

    class CustomSQLiteBackend(SQLiteBackend):
      def close(self): pass  # Override to prevent disconnecting.
    cache = CustomSQLiteBackend()
    async with CachedSession(cache): ...
    # It is up to you to close the connection when you exit the application.
    await cache._connection.close()