

BaseCache([secret_key, salt, serializer])

A wrapper for lower-level cache storage operations.

CacheBackend([cache_name, expire_after, ...])

Base class for cache backends; includes a non-persistent, in-memory cache.

DictCache([secret_key, salt, serializer])

Simple in-memory storage that wraps a dict with the BaseStorage interface

Module Contents

class BaseCache(secret_key=None, salt=b'aiohttp-client-cache', serializer=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

A wrapper for lower-level cache storage operations. This is separate from CacheBackend to allow a single backend to contain multiple cache objects.

  • secret_key (Iterable | str | bytes | None) – Optional secret key used to sign cache items for added security

  • salt (str | bytes) – Optional salt used to sign cache items

  • serializer – Custom serializer that provides loads and dumps methods

abstract async bulk_delete(keys)

Delete item(s) from the cache. Does not raise an error if the item is missing.


keys (set)

abstract async clear()

Delete all items from the cache

async close()

Close any active connections, if applicable

abstract async contains(key)

Check if a key is stored in the cache


key (str)

Return type:


abstract async delete(key)

Delete an item from the cache. Does not raise an error if the item is missing.


key (str)


Deserialize a cached URL or response


item (Union[CachedResponse, bytes, str, None])

Return type:

CachedResponse | str | None

abstract keys()

Get all keys stored in the cache

Return type:


async pop(key, default=None)

Delete an item from the cache, and return the deleted item


key (str)

Return type:

Union[CachedResponse, bytes, str, None]

abstract async read(key)

Read an item from the cache. Returns None if the item is missing.


key (str)

Return type:

Union[CachedResponse, bytes, str, None]


Serialize a URL or response into bytes


item (Union[CachedResponse, bytes, str, None])

Return type:

bytes | None

abstract async size()

Get the number of items in the cache

Return type:


abstract values()

Get all values stored in the cache

Return type:

AsyncIterable[Union[CachedResponse, bytes, str, None]]

abstract async write(key, item)

Write an item to the cache

class CacheBackend(cache_name='aiohttp-cache', expire_after=-1, urls_expire_after=None, allowed_codes=(200, ), allowed_methods=('GET', 'HEAD'), include_headers=False, ignored_params=None, autoclose=False, cache_control=False, filter_fn=<function CacheBackend.<lambda>>, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Base class for cache backends; includes a non-persistent, in-memory cache.

This manages higher-level cache operations, including cache expiration, generating cache keys, and managing redirect history.

Lower-level storage operations are handled by BaseCache. To extend this with your own custom backend, implement one or more subclasses of BaseCache to use as CacheBackend.responses and CacheBackend.response_aliases.

async bulk_delete(keys)

keys (set)

async clear()

Clear cache

async close()

Close any active connections, if applicable

create_cache_actions(key, url, expire_after=None, refresh=False, **kwargs)

Create cache actions based on request info

  • key (str) – key from create_key function

  • url (Union[str, URL]) – Request URL

  • expire_after (Union[None, int, float, str, datetime, timedelta]) – Expiration time to set only for this request; overrides CachedSession.expire_after, and accepts all the same values.

  • refresh (bool) – Revalidate with the server before using a cached response, and refresh if needed (e.g., a “soft refresh”, like F5 in a browser)

  • kwargs – All other request arguments

Return type:


create_key(method, url, **kwargs)

Create a unique cache key based on request details

async delete(key)

Delete a response from the cache, along with its history (if applicable)


key (str)

async delete_expired_responses()

Deletes all expired responses from the cache. Also deletes any cache items that are filtered out according to filter_fn().

async delete_url(url, method='GET', **kwargs)

Delete cached response associated with url, along with its history (if applicable)

async get_response(key)

Fetch a cached response based on a cache key


key (str)

Return type:

CachedResponse | None

async get_urls()

Get all URLs currently in the cache

Return type:


async has_url(url, method='GET', **kwargs)

Returns True if cache has url, False otherwise

Return type:


async is_cacheable(response, actions=None)

Perform all checks needed to determine if the given response should be cached

Return type:


async request(actions)

Fetch a cached response based on cache actions


actions (CacheActions) – CacheActions from create_cache_actions function

Return type:

CachedResponse | None

async save_response(response, cache_key=None, expires=None)

Save a response to the cache

  • response (ClientResponse) – Response to save

  • cache_key (str | None) – Cache key to use for the response; will be generated if not provided

  • expires (datetime | None) – Expiration time to set for the response

class DictCache(secret_key=None, salt=b'aiohttp-client-cache', serializer=None, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseCache, UserDict

Simple in-memory storage that wraps a dict with the BaseStorage interface

async bulk_delete(keys)

Delete item(s) from the cache. Does not raise an error if the item is missing.


keys (set)

async clear()

Delete all items from the cache

async contains(key)

Check if a key is stored in the cache


key (str)

Return type:


async delete(key)

Delete an item from the cache. Does not raise an error if the item is missing.


key (str)

async keys()

Get all keys stored in the cache

Return type:


async read(key)

An additional step is needed here for response data. The original response object is still in memory, and hasn’t gone through a serialize/deserialize loop. So, the file-like response body has already been read, and needs to be reset.


key (str)

Return type:

CachedResponse | str | None

async size()

Get the number of items in the cache

Return type:


async values()

Get all values stored in the cache

Return type:

AsyncIterable[Union[CachedResponse, bytes, str, None]]

async write(key, item)

Write an item to the cache
